Artwork > Pet Friends

St. Francis of Assisi Pet Portrait, pet memorial, Texas, custom pet portrait, catholic art, saint art, St Francis art, starry night painting
St. Francis In Texas Pet Portrait
Acrylic on Cradled Board

St. Francis in Texas Pet Portrait reverse glass painting by Sue Betanzos.

This charming St. Francis of Assisi pet portrait was a joy to paint.
Each subject was special. The Angus cow, the two Boxers, the Amazon yellow napped parrot.

And, of course, the wonderful Texas landscape with all of the personal details such as the owner's white iris in the foreground.

This was painted on a fine beech wood panel with acrylic paints. Gold and silver highlights were added, then the painting was sealed with clear sealer.

Prints, cards, totes and more gifts of this delightful painting are available Here.